Contract essentials

Freelance Business Community has hosted a masterclass about the freelance contract essentials with Ian de Swart, co-founder of ChariPickers.

Below are some short but helpful guides for freelancers when dealing with agreements. You can rewatch the entire masterclass here.

Force major clause
Include it in your contracts
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A short list of free or affordable legal resources for independent professionals in Belgium
Freelance contract essentials check-list
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Masterclass: Contract Negotiations for Freelancers
We have all been there, you're starting an assignment and you need to sign the contract that goes with it. You start reading and quickly feel uncomfortable signing it, because all obligations lie with you and the rights with the client.

Ian de Swart (Co-Founder at ChariPickers) roots for balanced, fair and transparent contracts. Ian is a Contingent Workforce Specialist and helps companies build fair contracts towards freelancers/consultants so that both parties feel comfortable putting their signature on this very important piece of paper.

In this masterclass, we will discuss:

  • What is the difference in working directly with a Client or through a Contractor or Subcontractor?
  • How are contracts set up from a client (Contractor/Subcontractor) point of view and how does this relate to you?
  • Are you compliant with the Belgian law?
  • How can I protect myself from liabilities on a project?
  • How does the new B2B-legislation affects me as a freelancer?
  • What are the do´s and don'ts in a contract negotiation?
  • What do I do in case of a conflict?
  • Q&A
Watch here
Contract Negotiations for Freelancers

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