Financial and Legal
8 December, 15:00 - 17:00 CET

About the Freelance Business
- Financial and Legal

This is no business that can run without finances. Finances and legal matters are so closely linked that one can't run without another. As a solopreneur nobody is expecting you to be an expert in legislation or financial management. This is one we are launching this 'boring' but important topic to make sure that you feel confident in managing your freelance business like a pro

programme will be announced soon
What to expect
During these 2 hours, you will be able to understand how finances work, handle your revenue projection like a pro, know the legal aspect and get updates on legislation that may affect your business
  • We are bringing you experts who can inspire you to go beyond imaginable.
  • A practical workshop is the part of the event where you can practice new skills or ideas.
  • After the presentations, we will have time to discuss and exchange the experiences or ideas.
  • Attendees' list
    We will also share with you the list of attendees' LinkedIn profiles (subject to attendees' approval) so you can continue the conversations after the event.
  • .. but there are some conditions. See below.
  • If you a commercial organisation, consider community partnership to join this event. See more here.
It is a limited capacity event. We only have 100 places.

Participation in the event is free, but in order for your registration to be confirmed, it is necessary to do the following:

  1. Re-share information about this event on your social media (you will have to add the re-share link to your registration);
  2. Only freelancers are allowed. If it is not indicated that you are a freelancer on your LinkedIn profile, you will not be admitted, SORRY;
  3. If you are a commercial organisation, consider FBC partnership to join such events;
  4. All registrations will be verified and subject to the FBC approval.
Request sponsorship and partnership packs

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