The more specific you are with the people you are reaching out to, the better, so you need to ask the right person. So who to ask?
Current and past clients – People you have a working relationship with. Yes, you can even ask your current clients for referrals.
Other freelancers in your network - Independent professionals know the importance of mutual support and will be more than welcome to help you get referred. To get in touch with more engaged freelancers, join Nomawo at or join our private Slack community here In the Freelance Business Community, we have the iamlookingfor channel, in which members share gigs and opportunities they need help for. You are free to get in touch, and even recommend people from your own network.
Friends and family – you'd be surprised to learn how many useful contacts your friends and family have. Let them know what you do and that you are open to helping others.
People who decided not to hire you – just because you are not the right fit for one position doesn't mean you wouldn't be great at another. Kindly ask people who've rejected you in the past if they wouldn't mind keeping connecting you to others.