20 global job websites for freelancers to find work

Platforms that can help create opportunities for you and add additional projects to your portfolio.

1. fiverr

Fiverr is a global online marketplace offering tasks and services, beginning at a cost of $5 per job performed, from which it gets its name. The site is primarily used by freelancers who use Fiverr to offer services to customers worldwide.

2. upwork

Upwork, formerly Elance-oDesk, is a global freelancing platform where businesses and independent professionals connect and collaborate remotely.

3. freelancer

Freelancer is a global crowdsourcing marketplace website, which allows potential employers to post jobs that freelancers can then bid to complete.

4. peopleperhour

PeoplePerHour is a UK-based company whose function is as an online platform giving businesses access to thousands of skilled freelance experts in hundreds of different fields.

5. guru

Guru.com is a global freelance marketplace for various types of freelance professionals.

6. toptal

Toptal is an American company that provides freelance software engineers, designers, and finance experts, product managers and designers to companies.

7. flexjobs

FlexJobs is an award-winning job site for part-time or full-time flexible jobs, such as telecommuting or flextime, in 50+ categories, entry-level to executive.

8. truelancer

Truelancer is a Online Platform for Freelancers and Employers to Collaborate and Work together. Their vision is to create a Global Ecosystem of Trusted Freelancers and Employers around the world.

9. weworkremotely

WeWorkRemotely is the place to find and list jobs that aren't restricted by commutes or a particular geographic area.

10. fivesquid

Fivesquid offers a platform that enables its users to trade skills and services, and earn cash.

11. outsourcely

Outsourcely is an easy way to find reliable, vetted remote workers from 180+ countries. Hire directly. Pay zero commission fees.

12. onespace

OneSpace is a sophisticated platform that connects internal teams with freelance talent and provides a customisable virtual work interface.

13. workingnomads

WorkingNomads curates lists of the most interesting remote job offers in many professional career areas. It connects professionals who want to work remotely with innovative companies offering independent positions.

14. toogit

Toogit is an online marketplace where project owners and freelancers can collaborate and work together. It is a platform to help project owners in finding skilled freelancers and help skilled freelancers to find work.

15. gigbucks

Gigbucks is a micro job marketplace that enables its users to buy and sell services. Posting is absolutely free and you can post as many gigs as you like.

16. twago

Twago is an online working platform that helps individuals and companies to find the expert help needed for projects online.

17. gun.io

Gun.io is an online platform that connects users with freelance web developers for hire.

18. dailyremote

DailyRemote posts and updates top Remote Jobs at over 2,000+ remote companies.

19. 99designs

99designs is a global creative platform that connects more than one million talented freelance designers with creative people and genius entrepreneurs.

20. WriterAccess

Job portal for creative professionals, translators and writers offering good pay rates, and good tools and resources for career advancement.

See Belgium based marketplaces in
the Ultimate List of Freelance Resources in Belgium
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The eco-system of self-employed professionals is constantly growing. Below is the list of organisations acting in the field of #freelance in Belgium. Some organisations focus on providing jobs to freelancers when others are community building.
Disclaimer: the information on this page is based on the information found on official information sources, government and local websites, and on the experience of the authors. While we have done our best to make sure it is accurate, rules and regulations change and each individual situation might be different, so it is always a good idea to check with appropriate authorities for the latest information. Consequently, the authors do not assume any responsibility or liability for any issues or damages stemming from the use of the information on this website.
Updated on 07/06/2020