Posting job opportunities and finding freelancers during the event

1-31 OCTOBER 2021

Find the right freelancers for your projects
Events are great source to find talents!

If you are a recruiter looking for the right freelance talent for your positions, you have an opportunity to tap into global community of freelancers during entire month (1-31 October).

Freelance Business Community is partnering with a talent search technology Recorem which will allow you to match your vacancies with the most suitable candidates and achieve the lowest cost per hire. Powered by AI it will suggest the best candidates and will provide the analytics for your further decision making.

All what you need to do is to purchase a Company ticket below (120EUR) and you can start posting your jobs which will be available to all attendees of the Freelance Business Month.

One Company ticket for the event will allow you to post an unlimited amount of jobs.

#freelancebusiness #freelancebusinessmonth
Company benefits
Attending the Freelance Business Month
has a triple benefit for you
1. Content
You can learn from the Future of Work leaders sharing how they are incorporating the flexible workforce in their teams.
Check the Week 5 Programme - The Future of Work
2. Find talents
Use Recorem talent search technology to post your open vacancies and find talents direct during the Freelance Business Month. See more about Recorem below.
3. Connecting with freelancers
You can build the network of freelancers. More than 2000 attendees are expected during the event.
See how the talent search platform works
About Recorem
Recorem is a web application that efficiently enables job discovery as a value-added feature during any professional event. Unlike job portals, on Recorem, jobs are visible only to event-registered job seekers. Recorem cutting-edge, skill-based matching engine presents pre-qualified candidates to recruiters.

Job seekers can apply discreetly for the latest jobs and get guaranteed responses within 72 hours. Recorem operates during real-time events, which ensures the jobs and candidate profiles are most up to date.
Access to the global freelance talent pool for entire month!
As soon as a company purchases a corporate ticket, they are invited to access the Recorem platform and start adding their vacancies.

There is an unlimited amount of vacancies that can be added and unlimited number of team members from the same company.

Recruiter benefits
  • One ticket - multiple job posts
    One ticket per event to post multiple jobs and get unlimited prequalified applications equates to the lowest cost per hire.
  • Pool of candidates who are not on job boards
    Access passive candidates who are not present on job boards.
  • Faster profile review
    Review resumes efficiently using the Recorem's Smart Resume Viewer and schedule interviewss.
  • One ticket - one team
    Recruit and collaborate as a team
Your access to entire month!
120 EUR
+ 21% VAT
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